Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Blind Side!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
GIVEAWAY n' other stuff!
okay first off everybody go to girlydohairstyles.com/ to enter a fantabulous giveaway!! it is a real great one! and i saw New Moon at MIDNIGHT! it was great! i have seen it twice and i like it WAY better than twilight but i didnt love it! i cannot wait till eclipse though! well i also got a facebook so that is why i dont post things as often but i still try to post!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
hey sorry i havent posted in while but i got a facebook so this is for megan so she wont be mad at me! i havent done much! i m goin to tumblin today and then going to bailees housE
Saturday, October 17, 2009
hey there is a giveaway going on at http://hairbowsandribbonsculptures.blogspot.com go and check it out!
Friday, October 16, 2009

i know that Megan has already posted about this but i am going to also
so for YW on Wed. we went to a corn maze!! it was so much fun and so cool! the corn maze has team Edward and team Jacob! just click on the picture to see it bigger! we went onto the tem jacob side just because Jacob is way cuter!! we had so much fun until the bullet belt people came! they were these two freaky people who had bullets on there belts and they were following us! it was so scary! we just started running and they were always right behind us because we kept going into dead ends or circles! it was so scary we didnt go into the haunted corn maze just the regualr one but we still had tons of fun!!! and also a while back for YW we went ice blocking! it was so much fun! everybody should try it!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
here is a little update in my life right now
on sept 19th i saw..........RYAN SHECKLER!!! i saw Ryan Sheckler at the local mall showing off his new RS collection at JCpenny's!!!!!!!!!!! all i can say is every day after school i am on the computer but watching every episode on youtube and life of Ryan that i can find!! omg i love him here are a few pictures we took!! ryan signed autpgraphs!
the two closeup ones the security guard took for us!
other than that i have just been going to school and watching Ryan
also right now i am on my fall break!! NO SCHOOL!!!!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Amazing giveway
omg this is the best giveaway ever u need to go to babesinhairland.blogspot.com to check it out!! you dont want to miss this one!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
school and life
hey everybody school is going great it is boring though! we have tons of homework everyday so that is why i am not posting as often! i like to do the face in holes though so those will be up lots of times! haha! one thing i dont like about school is that lunch is so late so i am starving by 2nd period!!! and 3 of my friends have a different lunch then me and 2 of my friends have the same lunch as me!!!!!! well i guess i will just have to deal with it! school is getting easier though now that i have been in for a while! well comment i love reading comments!! ttfn!!!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hey everybody remember to go to hair for the mini diva for an awesome giveaway! i love this blog i won a giveaway a while ago from this blog and the bows are fantastic! she does an amazing job! while you are there just look at her previous hair posts she does everything perfect!
Friday, August 28, 2009
i have been in school for one week! it has been very good but boring week!! all we do i slearn the rules and all of that stuff!! it has been okay though! on tuesday i start competition dance and on thursday i start a new tumbling class!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so excited!! i willl try to update often if i dont have to much homework! ttyl
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
btw go to frugal mommy of two girls! way cute giveaways the button is on my sidebar!!!!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
School is just about to start it starts on august 24th so very soon i am not very excited! this summer went by way to fast! i am not really scared for i just want to know wut it is gonna be like! so ya! the best part of back to school is the school shopping! i love that! i have gotten 2 new pairs of jeans and tons of shirts prob 9 or 10!! this summer has been a pretty good one though i have gone to lake powell girls camp ohio and some other little things but the weird thing is i havent gone swimming once! well actually i went to my friends gmas house to swim but i had a stomache ache so i didnt swim!! and this year i will be pretty busy i have dance tuesday yw wednesday and tumbling thursday! wow that is alot! and then i will also have to make time for homework wow!! i will try to keep updated on my blog if u have any questions comment! thanks
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
giveaways and dance!
okay first off remember to go over ot frugal mommy of two there link is on my sidebar! there is lots of fabulous giveaways right now~! so great ! and last night we had dance competition try outs and i made the elite team it goes (highest to lowest) premier elite express!!! last year i was on express! so i moved up a level!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Girls camp and Ohio!
hey first 0f all sorry that i havent posted about this forever it is just that i have not had time!
so girls camp was an absolute blast! on the first day we set up camp and had welcoming and then certifications we went tubing me megan mariah and mckenna all tried to hold hands but that didnt work megna got stuck on a rock and had to get out! then we wnt again so megan could go all the way down megan got stuck again! ahh so we stopped and waited for megan she cmae and while we were waiting we saw naomis so we went with partners! my partner was mckenna she got stuck and hurt self really bad i helped her and had to jump off of my tube! and let it go down the river luckily mariah grabbed it! mckenna and me had to get out all of that day mckenna was saying that i had saved her life! it felt really good! the next day jericho road cmae it was lots of fun! when we got our pictures taken with them one of the guys waas tickling my neck and then his pen got stuck in my hair! then we had americas next top camp model i was a bush mckenna was a tubeing girl she was so cute! not everybody dressed up! the end results were between me and mckenna mckenna won but it was still fun! the next day we had the challenge course!! we went on the eskimo blanket it was so much fun! we had a choice on how high we went between 1-10 i being the lowest ten being the highest! first i did 5 then 7 and then 10! it was a blast! that night we had testimony meeting i had to leave at the beginning of it so missed it! that morning at home i had to wake up and go to the airport! i wnet to ohio that wasnt that much fun we didnt do much! on monday we went shopping and that was the most fun then we had to get on the airplane!
remember click on the pictures for a bigger view!

so girls camp was an absolute blast! on the first day we set up camp and had welcoming and then certifications we went tubing me megan mariah and mckenna all tried to hold hands but that didnt work megna got stuck on a rock and had to get out! then we wnt again so megan could go all the way down megan got stuck again! ahh so we stopped and waited for megan she cmae and while we were waiting we saw naomis so we went with partners! my partner was mckenna she got stuck and hurt self really bad i helped her and had to jump off of my tube! and let it go down the river luckily mariah grabbed it! mckenna and me had to get out all of that day mckenna was saying that i had saved her life! it felt really good! the next day jericho road cmae it was lots of fun! when we got our pictures taken with them one of the guys waas tickling my neck and then his pen got stuck in my hair! then we had americas next top camp model i was a bush mckenna was a tubeing girl she was so cute! not everybody dressed up! the end results were between me and mckenna mckenna won but it was still fun! the next day we had the challenge course!! we went on the eskimo blanket it was so much fun! we had a choice on how high we went between 1-10 i being the lowest ten being the highest! first i did 5 then 7 and then 10! it was a blast! that night we had testimony meeting i had to leave at the beginning of it so missed it! that morning at home i had to wake up and go to the airport! i wnet to ohio that wasnt that much fun we didnt do much! on monday we went shopping and that was the most fun then we had to get on the airplane!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Frugal mommy of 2 giveaways!
OMG! i love this blog it is so darling! there is a giveaway going on there for faithworks boutique, punky bunny designs and chic clips! go check them out they are the best!
sorry i will be posting soon about girls camp and ohio! just wait!
sorry i will be posting soon about girls camp and ohio! just wait!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A is for Abbie
Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real. . .nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name? Abbie
2. A four letter word: aged
3. A boy's name: Austin
4. A girl's name: Ashlynn
5. An occupation: assistant
6. A color: Aqua
7. Something you wear: anklets
8. A food: apple pie
9. Something found in the bathroom: accessories
10. A place: Africa
11. A reason for being late: Adam didnt listen
12. Something you shout: ahhhh
13. A movie title: Anastasia
14. Something you drink: apple juice
15. An animal: Aardvark
16. A street name: ava drive
17. A song title: Amazing grace
18. A verb: appreciate
1. What is your name? Abbie
2. A four letter word: aged
3. A boy's name: Austin
4. A girl's name: Ashlynn
5. An occupation: assistant
6. A color: Aqua
7. Something you wear: anklets
8. A food: apple pie
9. Something found in the bathroom: accessories
10. A place: Africa
11. A reason for being late: Adam didnt listen
12. Something you shout: ahhhh
13. A movie title: Anastasia
14. Something you drink: apple juice
15. An animal: Aardvark
16. A street name: ava drive
17. A song title: Amazing grace
18. A verb: appreciate
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lake Powell
i am back from Lake Powell!!!! :):( i had so much fun!! i couldnt get up wake boarding but i got up surfing for a long time i had so much fun!!!! the weather was pretty good!! and the stars were unbeleivable!! i have never seen so many stars!!!! my friend Alexis invited me and she has a speed boat and a houseboat wo we slept ontop of the houseboat!! we had 2 fires and roasted marshmallows and starbursts!!! Lari, Alexis' mom, mad hello dollys and cheesecake!!! mmmmmmmmm good!! we went tubing also!! okay now here is an extremely funny story so we had bbq chicken one night and on that night Lari walked outside to get something and then walked back inside she shut the screen door and then all of a sudden there was a small bird inside the house boat everybody started screaming and then all of a sudden i yelled a bat!!! and Lari and her mom were on the ground covering there heads because they didnt want the bat in their hair!! then the bat flew on the screen door and hung upside down!! Chris, Alexis' dad, tried to scoop him out with a newpaer but the bat flew inside again!i ran into the bathroom and then came out and the bat was outside!! haha it was so funny!!!!!!!!!! everybody was laughing!!! lol okay here is the next story so Alexis and me were sitting on there ski boat that was hooked onto the houseboat in the backand there were these 2 boys about our age who were about our age kept riding by on their wave runners!! and then the next day they were getting closer to our boat and then all of a sudden they were wakeboarding by one of them was trying to show off and did a jump right by our boat and he fell!!!!! LOL HAHA it was so funny!!!!!!!! and the guy who fell off when he rode by our boat when he was alone he let the people in front of him pass and then he did a trick he put one knee on the seat and stood up with the other foot on the part where you are supposed to put your feet like this
click on the picture if u wanna see it bigger! it was so funny! okay here are the pictures we took there

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

hey you guys i am goin on a little vacation!!!!!!!!!!1 i am going to Lake Powell tomorrow and i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will be form tomorrow Thursday june 18 -wednesday june 24th!! i can not wait! ! i wish the drive wanst 6 hours though!! oh well the lake is totally worth it!!!!!!!!!!! i can not wait i will take tons of pics cya wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
okay there is another contest going on at sugar and spice! it is great prize go over there and check it out also when you are there look at all of her daughters hair dos! she is amazing! i love looking at her blog! the blog is sugarandspiceandallhairnice.blogspot.com
Friday, June 12, 2009
those of you that live by me know that i love to look at hair blogs! well i got my good friend megan into it to! well she was looking at every hair blog she knows of! she apparently stumbled across this one it is flowersandbow.blogpsot .com she is having a fantastic giveaway to get in on the action just click on the link above and you can maybe win one of the great things she has to offer! just remember to add in your comment that AbBaThA sent you!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
SCHOOL IS PUT FOR THE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I M SO HAPPY!!!!!!! I CAN PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG! AND SLEEP 'TILL NOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THE HAPPIEST CAMPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009

hey guys sorry i have been kinda busy! well not really just nothing to post about! over memorial day weekend i went to lava Hot Springs! my friend Hannah (click here to view her blog)came with my family! we stayed at the Alpaca Inn! what a great inn! we went with 3 other families! we had so much fun! we made tye dye shirts and me and hannah went river rafting down the freezing river! and if that wasnt bad it started raining! BRRR... it was way fun still!
sorry i didnt get any pictures! these are just from the internet
Friday, May 22, 2009
American Idol!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
there is a giveaway goin on at tinydiva.blogspot.com ! go there they have way cute things!! i love the hairdos and bows
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Dance comp!
okay for my last comp i got first place again!! oh ya we rock! we didnt get any pictures of that one but u have seen them before! i didnt make cheer:( i will try out again for next year! it is all good! my tumbling place opened a new gym and it has a foam pit and a HUGE trampoline! it is so much fun! I am getting my haircut on Sat!! i m so excited!! yay i m so excited it is almost summer!! only 20 more school day from today!! yahoo!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
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